Digital Literacy Cafe

Today I was the featured speaker on the first ever Adobe Creative Campus Digital Literacy Cafe event, titled “Digital Literacy and The Myth of Expertise: Finding a Way.” While technically of the webinar category, we (the host Sebastian Distefano and I) tried to make it a bit more conversational in style: i.e., talking with one another as well as working in questions from the audience. There were over 300 registered attendees for this first event and I think we provided some content and conversation of value. Of course, my goal going into this event was to create a multi path flow and allow the audience to kind of direct the conversation, which did and didn’t quite work the way I had imagined. But we did land somewhere between webinar, conversation, and audience directed coverage. Nonetheless, the feedback has been positive and I think we learned a lot about how we want to approach things going forward. I mean, I know I have a ton of notes about what I want to do different/better next time. I can’t wait to try to run it again, as working with the Adobe Creative Campus team on this was a blast and the platform we used,, was excellent. I will definitely be returning to that system again.

Anyways, for those interested, the full video of the event can be found here:

And the spark presentation that guided my portion can be found here:

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