
This site is designed to showcase the work (and sometimes thinking) of Dr. Justin Hodgson, Co-Creator/Co-Lead of the Digital Gardener Initiative @ Indiana University, Associate Professor of Digital Rhetoric in the English Department at Indiana University Bloomington, Founding Editor of the Journal for Undergraduate Multimedia Projects (JUMP+), and Adobe Digital Literacy Thought Leader. This site contains not only static pages traditionally linked to academic profiles, but an intermittent blog feed featuring Professor Hodgson’s projects and engagements (professional and personal alike).

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Personal Introduction

I am a writer, scholar, teacher, and digital media enthusiast whose research focuses on the intersections of rhetoric and technology, with particular emphases on emerging media arts, rhetorical theory, digital learning, and innovative pedagogy.  As a professional speaker, I deliver keynotes, invited talks, guest lectures, and the like on digital rhetoric / post-digital rhetoric; digital literacy, digital creativity, and digital learning across the curriculum; the intersections of games and learning (e.g., gaming pedagogy); and on digital innovation, faculty development, and building strategic initiatives. As a teacher, I teach a wide range of courses, from introductory writing courses and courses on digital rhetoric to upper division rhetoric courses with topics ranging from writing digital environments to rhetoric, play, and games to digital monuments, to rhetoric and sports. I also teach graduate courses on digital rhetoric, digital methods, and digital aesthetics. As a consultant and workshop leader, I help others work through the challenges of bringing digital media and digital creativity into the classroom (from one-on-one consultations to course design to large-scale deployments of creative technologies).

In a more technical sense, I am an Associate Professor in the English Department at Indiana University Bloomington. Prior to joining IU, I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing at UT Austin. And prior to that, I completed my Ph.D. at Clemson University, in the College of Arts, Architecture, and Humanities transdisciplinary Rhetorics, Communication and Information Design (RCID) program.

e: hodgson [at] indiana [dot] edu
t: @postdigitalJH
l: JH @ LinkedIn

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